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Makeover Montage: A Fashion in Film Podcast

Jul 20, 2018

We have a Fishnet Flix Friend Request episode! This Katherine Heigl and Danielle Harris made for TV classic is part Freaky Friday, part Clueless, and all '90s mall fashion looks!

Jul 13, 2018

We came for the Anne Rice story and stayed for Aaliyah. The gothic looks are overflowing and Jesse looks had us adding coats to cart!

Jul 6, 2018

Ahhh Belly, where do we begin. This movie perfectly encapsulates the extreme talents of the fashion forward, but still street adjacent, look and feel of a June Ambrose and Hype Williams collaboration. June and Hype are like music video PB & J...or like caviar and crème fraîche. If you haven't watched this...